Lesson 8 of 18
In Progress

Split and Sweep

This one’s great for stretching and warming up before the Scentventure Environment course

Great for stretching and warming up before the Scentventure Environment course


1. Start with your dog next to your left or right leg. Hold a lure level with your dog’s nose and as if the treat is a magnet, lure your dog round in the direction being trained (clockwise or anticlockwise – you choose to begin with). As your dog’s shoulder turns, mark (‘good’/’yes’) but continue to move your hand until they have completed the full circle. Reward your dog when they have completed the full circle. You are marking the shoulder turn but rewarding the full circle. Repeat on both sides.

2. Once your dog is confidently following the lure, remove the lure and use just your hand for your dog to follow.

3. Once your dog is confidently following the hand without a lure, add the verbal cue ‘Split’ (clockwise) and ‘Sweep’ (anticlockwise).