Lesson 1 of 18
In Progress

Exploration Zone

Exploration Zone is good for the body and brain! Exploring is essential to your dog’s wellbeing. It leaves them happy and relaxed – so it’s perfect for reactive or anxious dogs and dogs that can’t switch off!

Slows down speedy dogs! Dogs often fall into a deep state of relaxation afterwards!

Dogs who do regular Exploration Zones are calmer and more focused on walks and bark less in the house!

Creates a seriously optimistic outlook and boosts confidence!

The perfect winter day activity, or for any other times when you can’t get out for a long walk. Ideal for when your dog is on restricted exercise or has been unwell.


  1. Decide where to set up. Your kitchen, living room or garden works well. Ensure there’s nothing slippery, sharp, hot or hazardous. 

2. Prepare a variety of dog safe foods – include something to lick, something to chew, crunchy treats and soft treats! 

3. Scavenge some interesting non-edible scents to include in your Zone. We love used animal bedding! 

4. Raid your shed, attic or cupboard for extra Scentventure Stations to add to the Zone. Select a variety of textures, heights and surfaces. 

5. Add the food and treats all around the Zone – down low, up high, at nose level. 

6. Bring your dog into the Zone and observe. Where do they go first? What do they eat first, what do they sniff first? Is there anything they avoid? Anything that worries them?

Less confident dogs may need to begin with fewer items in their Exploration Zone. More items can be introduced slowly.

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