Lesson 3 of 18
In Progress

Smell Laundry

The only kind of laundry I like!

In fact I love this one! In the Scentventure Spacestars Trilogy we called this one Moon Vision. We made pancake moons and pegged them to a line for our dogs to discover. It was a hoot! Even though we didn’t peg them high, it took some dogs a while to figure out where that delicious pancake smell was coming from! 

Often dogs are so used to doing searches at ground level that they don’t look up – when they do they’re in for a treat. Be sure to watch their expressions as the penny drops.


  • Clothes pegs (optional – best avoided if your dog tries to chew or swallow non edible items)
  • A ball of string or ribbon
  • Or you can tie the string or ribbon to the washing line or indoor drying rack
  • Two uprights e.g. back of two chairs, bamboo canes, or a hula hoop


  • Dog friendly pancakes
  • Wafer thin chicken or thinly sliced cheese
  • Dehydrated sweet potato
  • I even saw a piece of carrot pegged on someone’s line!
  • Non-edible scents


  1. Stick the two uprights into grass or plant pots. Or if using chairs, position the backs so they are facing each other. A hula hoop can be wedged between garden furniture.
  2. With your string, create a line going from one upright to the other. You can have one line or several. Or tie to the hoop.
  3. Attach treats to the line either with additional string or clothes pegs.
  4. Invite your dog to tuck in!