Lesson 23 of 25
In Progress

Next steps

Wow! Here we are at the final chapter – congratulations on your dedication! 

You are now armed with knowledge to understand your dog’s stress patterns and you have an excellent arsenal of foundational tools in your kit, ready to pull out when you need them. Now, with the help of a Scentventure Guide you will select a course from the Course Library that focuses on the specific training needs of your individual dog. 

Some courses are more intensive than others. Repair the Brain then Retrain, for example, goes deep into behavioural issues. An excellent pre-requisite for Repair the Brain is the Speaking Your Dog’s Language course.

You may decide you want to develop your Partnership more so you have an even stronger connection with your dog, or simply have more fun – in which case you may choose to work towards your first Scentventure Award and earn a badge! Here are some ideas and watch the video at the top of this page too.

Reach out to a Scentventure Guide in the community to discuss the best course of action for you and your dog.