Lesson 27 of 36
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Why do Exploration Zone?

Why Exploration Zone

Exploration Zone is good for the body and brain! Searching for food is a natural doggy pastime. It releases dopamine and makes them feel happy and relaxed.

It slows speedy dogs down!

Develops confidence and independence. 

Creates better posture, releases tension and improves balance.  

Allows you to get to know your dog better! Understand the sorts of things they like and dislike, actively engage in and avoid. 

Helps your dog feel safe in an environment so it’s ideal if you have to take them somewhere new or if you adopt a rescue dog.

Increases their ‘Search Stamina’ (the amount of time dogs will search before giving up) so it’s useful if you do scentwork or are thinking of trying it.

As an alternative to the standard dog walk.

By placing everyday items into the Exploration Zone area that have the potential to be scary you can desensitise your dog to things that may be necessary in their life. 

Crates, muzzles, harnesses, vacuum cleaners, etc. can all be used in Exploration Zone to build positive associations.

You can see why a short Exploration Zone session can be so beneficial to puppies too. Exploration Zone can help them feel comfortable with the items they’ll need in their future everyday life.

A Exploration Zone session at home before you go for a walk could be beneficial. 

If you’ve had a stressful walk, skip the next one and do a Exploration Zone session instead. Exploration Zone lowers anxiety levels and releases dopamine so it will help your dog recover from stressful experiences. You may even find your own stress levels decrease too! 

High-energy dogs often zoom into a Exploration Zone environment but when they see there are treats everywhere they slow right down. It’s actually quite funny watching them realise this! Also because of the obstacles underfoot, they can’t race around so much.  

Dogs will benefit from regular Exploration Zone sessions. Just make sure you vary what’s in your Exploration Zone area each time.

Stressful times of the year e.g. Bonfire Night, New Year’s Eve or when the household is busier or more chaotic than usual such as Christmas or birthday parties.  

In any new environment or with any new dog. Exploration Zone helps dogs settle into new places more quickly. Perfect for newly adopted rescue dogs!

When your dog is on restricted exercise after an op or they’ve been unwell. 

When you’re feeling ill yourself and you can’t face going for outside for a walk.