Lesson 4 of 20
In Progress

Exploration Zone

Which 20 minute indoor activity is as tiring as an hour-long walk and will leave reactive and distracted dogs in a deep state of relaxation without even leaving the house?

It’s the Exploration Zone! 

Dogs are naturally curious. We humans tend to dislike this curiosity and train our dogs to be more passive. Providing new smells, new sounds, new tastes, new textures and new environments for your dog to explore taps into their natural doggy instincts and makes them calmer, happier and more fulfilled. 

Exploration Zone is all about the senses! It’s a simple, low-impact and can be set up in any environment and practiced with dogs of all ages. It’s sometimes called Freework or Enriched Environments because that’s exactly what it is; we take a normal environment like a kitchen, kennel or field and make it more enriching. Dogwood, with the Adventure Play equipment and Sensory Garden, is built on this concept. 

Dogs are naturally curious. We humans tend to dislike this curiosity and train our dogs to be more passive. Providing new smells, new sounds, new tastes, new textures and new environments for your dog to explore taps into their natural doggy instincts and makes them calmer, happier and more fulfilled. 

Exploration Zone is all about the senses! It’s a simple, low-impact and can be set up in any environment and practiced with dogs of all ages. It’s sometimes called Freework or Enriched Environments because that’s exactly what it is; we take a normal environment like a kitchen, kennel or field and make it more enriching. Dogwood, with the Adventure Play equipment and Sensory Garden, is built on this concept. 

We set out the environment with different kinds of food, treats, objects and textures. To put it simply, set out a load of random objects, lace it with food and allow dogs to explore!  

The blend of textures, scents and tastes helps to engage your dog’s senses. It allows them complete freedom to explore at their own pace while you watch and learn more about them.


  1. Choose a place to set up e.g. kitchen, living room, or garden
  2. Gather different objects from the attic, shed or garage. Select different heights, surfaces and textures. For nervous dogs, less is more. You can always add more items later when they become more confident.
  3. Set up the area with enough space for your dog to be able to move around freely
  4. Scatter various kinds of treats around. Try to use a variety of hard, soft, lickable, chewable 
  5. Let your dog in to explore!  Allow them complete freedom to explore at their own pace while you watch and learn.

When to use Exploration Zone

  • Dogs benefit from regular Exploration Zone sessions. Just make sure you vary what’s in your Exploration Zone area each time.
  • Stressful times of the year e.g. Bonfire Night, New Year’s Eve or when the household is busier or more chaotic than usual such as Christmas or birthdays.  
  • In any new environment or with a new dog. Exploration Zone helps dogs settle into new places quicker. Perfect for newly adopted rescue dogs!
  • When your dog is on restricted exercise after an op or they’ve been unwell. 
  • When you’re feeling ill yourself and you can’t face going for outside for a walk.

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