Sausage Logs

Sausage Logs Scentventure Compass Point: Scent In this exercise dogs sniff out and discover treats on logs, fences, trees, benches,…

Linear Search

Linear Search Scentventure Compass Point: Scent. Linear searches are a great indoor activity to aid calm relaxation as they encourage…

Day 7

Scentventure Sack Scentventure Compass Point: Exploration Congratulations, Scentventurer! Your basic training is complete and you are ready to set…

Day 6

Up & Down Scentventure Compass Point: Partnership In the face of Growlfang’s devious distractions, mastering the art of letting…

Day 5

Bear Your dog is King of the Forest, standing tall, front feet planted firmly on a moss-covered boulder. With…

Day 4

123 Scentventure Compass Point: Partnership Just when you think all is well, and you’re just walking along minding your own…

Day 3

Cheese Trees AKA Sausage Logs! Scentventure Compass Point: Scent As you navigate through treacherous terrains and encounter obstacles, the ability…

Day 2

ABC Scentventure Compass Point: Partnership In the face of imminent danger, as Growlfang’s nefarious army closes in on you, the…

Day 1

And we’re off! We’re kicking things off with some questions designed to help us get to know you and your…