Day 2


Scentventure Compass Point: Partnership

In the face of imminent danger, as Growlfang’s nefarious army closes in on you, the need for a lightning-fast recall response becomes paramount. This vital skill will serve as your lifeline, enabling you to swiftly and effectively communicate with your dog, ensuring a rapid escape from perilous situations.

Whether it’s spotting a hidden danger or anticipating a potential distraction before your dog does, your well-honed recall cue will be the key to maintaining safety and preserving the harmony between you and your loyal companion on this Quest.

At Training Camp you will strengthen your dog’s ability to heed your call and respond with lightning speed.

Civilian Use

How often do you find yourself using your dog’s name to try to get their attention and nothing happens? How many times do you expect your dog to respond instantly but the environment is too challenging?

This is a powerful tool designed by Chirag Patel and is a great foundation for recall and gaining your dog’s attention.


  1. Say the word ‘A’ with a smooth sweeping arm movement (the visual makes it easier for your dog to recognise even in a busy environment), and place one piece of food down on the ground.
  2. Give your dog 5-10 seconds to respond. If they come to you, say ‘B’ and put down another piece of food. Again, wait to see if they engage with you. If needed you can say ‘C’ and put the third piece of food down.
  3. If your dog still hasn’t engaged with you, pick up all three pieces of food, and observe what has your dogs attention. Start again a little closer in distance and in their line of sight.

If your dog still can’t engage with you, the environment is too distracting so it’s probably not the right place for training yet. You may need to try a quieter place, or give your dog time to settle into this place before asking for engagement

What to do next

  • Have a go with your own dog and film it if you can
  • Share your answers in the private Facebook Group with the hashtags #day2 #AdventureQuest
  • If you don’t use Facebook, send your training via email. Please note that we can’t reply to emails but we will log your evidence towards your badge.

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