
At the end of the month, take a moment to sit back, reflect, and admire the view from your mountain. …

Annual Projects

As well as the monthly scavenge checklist, you will work on an Annual Project throughout the year.  We’ll share some…

How it Works

You don’t need to wait for January – you can start this Award any month of the year.  Every month…

Reasons to Go Outdoors

Everyone benefits from Adventurer’s Almanac – your dog and you! For you it’s the perfect mental health boost. How often are you…

Winter Wellness Challenge

Winter brings a whirlwind of busy schedules and less-than-ideal weather conditions, making it a month where wellbeing, self-care, and health…

Sight Scavenge

Winter paints the outside world with a unique palette of colours and textures. Bundle up, grab your list, and open…

Toasty Touch

Winter offers a wealth of tactile experiences, from the crisp chill of snowflakes on your skin to the comforting warmth…

Sounds of the Season

Winter is a season of both serene and stark sounds. Tune into the winter soundscape as you scavenge! You need…

Terrific Tastes

Winter is a season filled with delicious flavours and culinary delights that warm the soul and tantalise the taste buds.…