Scentventure Stations

Scentventure Stations, such as Bear and Sausage Logs are useful to implement in outdoor meetings for moments of calm. They…

Scent Swaps

Scent is considered the dogs primary sense and ‘meeting’ unfamiliar people by scent alone is an ideal minimally triggering first…

Safe Spaces

A Safe Space can be a valuable tool for dogs who get worried or over-aroused by visitors as a quieter,…

Snuffle Box

Like a miniature, portable Exploration Zone, the Snuffle Box is convenient to have prepared in advance and stashed away for…

Exploration Zone

Exploration Zone is the ultimate activity to keep your dog calmly occupied (not practising those unwanted behaviours with guests!) without…

To The Treats

Rather than react to a trigger at the door, train your dog to follow you to a designated spot and…

Scentventure Toolkit How To

That’s the strategy part over and done with and here is your practical toolkit – lots of the Scentventure activities…

Your Complete Visitor Plan

With all the options in mind, your task now is to formulate an individualised Visitor Plan for your dog. You…

Downtime Training

Providing self-directed activities for downtime, such as Exploration Zone, Snuffle boxes and long-lasting chews is ideal to support your dogs…

Greeting Training

For dogs who are excitable on greeting, especially those who are prone to jump up, having a training cue for…