Live Recording: Aromatherapy

Use of essential oils to support human and animal health has gained in popularity and as an area of research…

Floral Waters

Thank you to Club member, vet and Applied Zoopharmacognosist Emma for creating this resource. Floral / Aromatic Waters Floral or…

Sniffing & Searching

Sniffing works! It’s official!  The act of sniffing lowers your dog’s pulse rate and helps them to feel more relaxed.…

The Day Itself: A Timeline

This is a suggested timeline for the day itself, but of course you know your individual dog best and what…

Prescription Medications

Vet Emma has kindly compiled this information for us about prescription drugs suitable for short-term use. Noise phobias are complex…

Resilience & Recovery

The ethogram for resilience & optimism – work on other stressors will set them up to succeed When sound sensitivities…

Sounds Scary: Extinction

In an extinction protocol, we simply present the unpleasant thing (noise) at a low intensity (volume), gradually increasing the intensity…