
Commando is part of the 00K9 sequence. You don’t need to do it to earn the Award. In Commando your dog goes under an obstacle…


Valley is part of the 00K9 sequence. You don’t need to do it to earn the Award. In Valley your dog’s nose to tip of…


We can’t go over it!*We can’t go under it!**Oh no!We’ve got to go through it!  *Yes we CAN! **YES WE CAN! If you’re ready for…

Rhyming Bears

Bear with! There are some spectacularly claw-ful puns coming up. I know that thinking about training can sometimes feel a bit grizzly, especially early in…

Where to Bear

You can Bear just about anywhere! Natural Obstacles Man-made Obstacles Obstacles at Home Ideas for different sized breeds: You can even train your dog to…


We’re going on a Bear Hunt! Spot 20 Bears in their habitat. Spot a variety of bears by seeking out different obstacles, with a range…

The Environment Compass Point

We can’t go over it.We can’t go under it.Oh no!We’ve got to go through it! Wherever you’re headed, the Compass Points will guide the way!…

How it works

Look out for the ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ badge. This tells you the requirements, the actual activities that you and your dog will…

The Story

“We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” is a popular children’s book written by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury. First published in 1989, it…

Report To Captain

Submission of your award evidence is via a mixture of photos, videos and a “Captain’s Log” including your written thoughts on each activity and the…