Why muzzle train?

Current legislation requires prohibited breeds to go through an exemption process so that they can be legally owned. This includes an assessment and meeting conditions…

Training Non-negotiables

Since 15th September 2023 when the ban was announced, training is no longer a ‘nice-to-have’, but a necessity. Here are the recommended skills to train…

Why are we here?

You may have heard… It’s not the dog’s fault, it’s the owners! It’s a little more complex than that… What we’re really talking about is…

Possession of a Prohibited Dog

(Section 1 and Section 4B Dangerous Dogs Act 1991)  Under Section 1 Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 it is an offence to be in possession of…

Calm Walk Training

Skills + Strategy for dogs who pull on the lead, have frustrating recall or are reactive & distracted  Watch this if you have a reactive…

Muzzle Train Your Dog

The Muzzle Mastery Method: How to choose a muzzle and train your dog to wear it comfortably. Watch the full class here.

Useful Links

Official government information: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-a-certificate-of-exemption-to-keep-an-xl-bully-dog https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2023/1204/made https://www.gov.uk/government/news/xl-bully-type-dogs-to-be-banned https://www.gov.uk/guidance/prepare-for-the-ban-on-xl-bully-dogs Other: https://www.facebook.com/WheldonLaw – Legal firm specialising in dog law https://doglaw.co.uk/ – Legal firm specialising in dog law https://www.facebook.com/DDAWatch…

Our Response: Free Training

Free dog training & behaviour advice for anyone affected by the government decision to ban American XL Bullies at the end of 2023. And perhaps…

Bans are not the answer

We are deeply concerned about the government decision to ban American XL Bullies in the UK. Breed-specific bans do not address the root causes of…