Training Methods

We hear this all the time at Dogwood! Dogs with low confidence often choose not to approach our Adventure Play frames at first. Then, the…

The Bigger Picture

Did you know that there are actually eight senses, not just the five we learn about in primary school? The extra three are: Proprioception –…

The Compass Point

When I was a child I was frightened of the Far Away Tree. It was huge and crooked and the bark was thick, black and…


You need 4-12 obstacles such as cones, poles/bamboo canes, buckets, plant pots in your garden, or bollards on walks. It’s much easier to choose things…


  Demonstrate six Environment challenges in three different locations. At least three challenges to include 00K9 Level. Answer the questions from the Exploration section of…

Training Methods

We hear this all the time at Dogwood! Dogs with low confidence often choose not to approach our Adventure Play frames at first. Then, the…


What Find an obstacle that your dog can safely put all four feet onto.  Possible obstacles: rock, log, low wall, ironing board, yoga mat How…


Wait – stop! There’s been a landslide and a tree has fallen, its branches blocking your path. It’s too far to go around, you’ll lose precious…


They may be cute and fluffy but don’t underestimate the leaps this bold little jumper can make as they clear obstacles with ease. The mountain…


The narrow horizontal cliff edge is fraught with danger. Good thing we have your dog with us to lead the way… just don’t look down.  …