
What Your dog steps/jumps up onto an obstacle with all four paws.  Find an obstacle that your dog can safely put all four feet onto. …


What Your dog goes under an obstacle and out the other side. With a dog who is worried about going under things, start with something…


What Your dog jumps over an obstacle. Minimum height is ground level, maximum height is the dog’s shoulder.  Dogs younger than six months, dogs with…


What Your dog walks along an obstacle above ground level. The obstacle must be no higher than your dog’s shoulder. Be aware that different surfaces…


What Your dog’s nose to the tip of their tail passes between two obstacles. Start with the objects wide apart and gradually decrease the distance…


What Your dog moves away from you towards an obstacle, around it and back to you. Choose an obstacle that is not so big that…


What Your dog places their front two paws up on a raised object to stand tall and proud! Find an obstacle that your dog can…

The Environment Award

Choose your Trail Make a list of local environments available to you, in order of low distraction (Easy) to high (Tough). You don’t need to…


Could your dog be a Bear long enough to pose for a photo? Could they Scout around that farther tree? Could they patiently Goat despite…