(Day #6) Catch up Day

It’s Catch-Up Day! 

A guilt-free day to get back in the game and unlock bonuses 🥳

We know life gets busy, and it’s easy to feel like you’re “too behind” to bother trying to catch up. 

What if we told you, you can tick off the entire Stress Free Dog Walks Challenge TODAY and end the day with a MASSIVE shiny sense of achievement and an even shinier badge landing through your letterbox?

Here’s the good news: Today’s Goal is simply to have a go at the 5 quick and simple practical training techniques 🎯

Psst! You only need 3-5 mins per activity. That’s just 15 mins out of your day!

It’s never about perfection; it’s about choosing progress (yes, it’s a choice and you get to make it). So let’s keep it fun.


1️⃣If you have already shared all 5 practical training videos: Your Mission is to share a breakthrough, lightbulb moment or takeaway from last night’s Case Study about Charlie to unlock The Secret Vault! Put some effort into this because the BEST breakthrough will WIN a FREE place on our BRAND NEW programme starting Friday. If you have already enrolled, you can win your enrolment fee BACK! 🤩 You can find the replay at the bottom of this page. Simply watch it and share a breakthrough to be entered into the competition! 

2️⃣If you haven’t posted your 5 practical training videos yet, your Mission is to do that TODAY (Saturday 18th) to unlock ‘’The Secret Vault.’’ We’ve put together a streamlined ‘do-able in a day’ plan for you over in the Challenge Hub. EVERYONE who shares a NEW training video  TODAY before midnight will be entered into a draw to win a selection box of natural treats and chews from The Dog Hoose!

And… everyone who

🎁So what’s inside the Secret Vault? 3 Exclusive Trainings! You’ll unlock workshops on Canine First Aid, TTouch (a canine massage technique that brings instant calm), and a Dog Owner Confidence Class! 🎁

⭐️ Use the hashtags #Scentventure #CatchUpDay then submit videos or screenshots of your evidence here ⭐️

Ready? Set? Let’s go ALL IN today 🙌🏻


⏰ And don’t forget to set an alarm for 9.55 AM TOMORROW. We’re going live with the FULL Treatment Plan for Stress Free Dog Owners. Don’t worry if you haven’t seen the others, this is the one you can’t miss. Some people will have a revelation that totally transforms how they approach life with their dogs. Everyone will take something valuable away – and that includes you.

Your Do-Able in a Day Plan  🎯

  1. Camera propped up at the ready? Great! Let’s get that engagement rolling! Grab a pot of small treats and begin with #day5 – Up & Down!
  2. Don’t stop there! Switch to #day1 – 123 – and maintain that focus. Can you get moving?
  3. Take a short break and maybe find a change of scenery. Head out into the garden if it’s not too distracting or use the largest room in your house.
  4. Put that nose to good work! You can do #day2 – Sausage Logs – anywhere! Use surfaces in your outdoor or indoor space to introduce the Scent Compass Point.
  5. They’re working hard and following your search cues, make the most of that attention and give #day 3 – ABC – a try. You’ll likely have a captive audience so don’t worry if you can’t move too far away – success is exactly what we’re looking for!
  6. That was all a bit fast-paced and exciting, wasn’t it. Time to calm things down. Grab a few random items (toyboxes and dirty laundry piles are usually forthcoming) and make a small search area for #day4 – Cache.
  7. That’s it! Now it’s time to submit your Catch Up Day evidence.

How to Submit:

  1. If you are in the private Facebook, group share your videos for feedback and advice from the Trainer & Behaviourist team. Use the hashtag #CatchUpDay
  2. If you use Instagram, you can also share your videos there. Don’t forget the hashtags #Scentventure #CatchUpDay
  3. Then upload screenshots of your training and/or breakthrough to unlock The Secret Vault here. 
  4. When you have submitted evidence of the 5 practical training techniques, you can order your Special Limited Edition Stress Free Walks 25 Award Badge here!

We’ll verify your evidence and send you the Secret Vault access and badge! 

From Chaos to Calm: How Derek & Margaret Transformed Charlie’s Walks