If you're the kind of dog owner

who dedicates their life to keeping everyone else happy and you’re always at the bottom of your own to-do list (waaay beneath your dog), it’s time for a reset.

Start the New Year with more confidence, create positive mindset shifts so you’re no longer at the mercy of your negative thought patterns, and reprioritise YOU (for your sake and everyone else around you).



The Devoted Dog Guardian's Personal Growth Series

I know that your love, care and devotion to your dog are infinite, unlimited and unconditional. I also have a sneaking suspicion that you may not extend that same care, time and compassion towards yourself. I say that based on conversations with thousands of dog owners over the years. 

We loving guardians tend to take care of our dogs’ every need while neglecting our own. You may have neglected your own needs for so long that you can’t even remember what they are anymore! (Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.) When you don’t take care of yourself, stress, anxiety and feelings of low confidence and self-worth are bound to follow, impacting how you feel on walks and in every area of life with your dog and beyond.

There’s a growing body of scientific evidence that supports what us dog owners have always known; that our dogs are able to pick up on and respond to human emotions and reflect them in their own behaviour.

Studies have found that dogs are capable of reading human facial expressions, body language, and vocal tones. This means that if you’re stressed, your dog is more likely to be, but if you’re calm and relaxed, your dog has a better chance of being calm and relaxed too.

It’s a compelling reason why, as dog guardians, we should stop neglecting ourselves. But that is not the point I want to make right now.

Prioritise yourself not only for the well-being of those around you but because you’ll feel happier, more confident and resilient when you are fully charged.

I’d love to invite you to join me in January for a transformative workshop series where I will guide you through exactly that.


The Devoted Dog Guardian's Personal Growth Series

Through a series of four immersive and engaging workshops, you’ll learn strategies and techniques for gradually and confidently moving beyond your familiar (but limiting) thought and behaviour patterns. You will make intentional, controlled adjustments in your life, in a way that feels good to you, within a safe and supportive small group space.


That’s the live sessions. You will also have actions to complete outside of our face to face time together. The focus is real-world, practical INTEGRATION of what you discover in the workshops, designed to challenge you and move you towards a more empowered version of yourself.

Jan 24 Fully Booked

Workshop 1: 15th Jan
Workshop 2: 22nd Jan
Integration week: 29th Jan
Workshop 3: 5th Feb
Workshop 4: 12th Feb.
Monday evenings on Zoom.

Workshops will be recorded if you can’t make the live dates and you keep the replays for life.

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This series has only ever been available to THRIVE members before. 

Here are some of our members’ personal achievements as a result the workshops…

One member dared to take their dog to a cafe to meet a friend for the first time – something they didn’t think they would ever be brave enough to do. Spoiler alert – dog behaved impeccably!

Another member courageously spoke up in a situation they would usually stay silent and resentful – and was amazed how easy it was to get what they wanted.

Someone else used their voice to stand up for their child when a teacher had treated them unfairly - instead of backing down to an ‘authority figure’ as they would have done previously.

Getting involved at parties and gatherings, making small talk with greater ease, chatting to strangers – instead of hanging back on the sidelines!

Not cleaning the holiday cottage before departure! This THRIVE member always left the places they stayed spotless, but they stepped out of their comfort zone after acknowledging that’s why they pay the cleaning fee! Sounds like a small thing but where in your life do you try to please people you don’t even know, or try to be perfect for no real reason? What kind of unnecessary pressure is that adding to your life?

Making time for themselves: cooking, writing, art, investing in a pass to the local nature reserve – things they had wanted to do for a long time that they’ve finally done now they have the tools, motivation and accountability to make changes.

Previously when this Thrive member felt a 'no' coming, they would back down. This time they were assertive and used their communication skills to get the medical referral they knew they were entitled to.

One THRIVE member even booked a holiday to New York! They said – ‘’‘Get out there, more action, less talk!’’

Where do you need ‘more action’ and ‘less talk’ in life?
With your dog? With personal goals?
This is where we do that.

What members said after these workshops

''I just want to say 'thank you' Katie for helping me take a leap and really start looking at myself more deeply and what I want from my dog training experience, my life with XXX and me. I am already learning and gaining so much.''

''I have loved the orientation sessions, I admit to feeling nervous before each one but you have the ability to put me at ease.''

''It’s nice to get to better know some members on a more personal level as well as yourself and the other guides too.''

''Thank you for creating this group, I have had so many positives so far. I have enjoyed the Orientation sessions learning about myself and having the confidence to take part. I was anxious to take part to start with but what a wonderful group we have. It has been eye opening how you have helped us look deeper at ourselves.''

''Being in Thrive and being encouraged to give yourself space and time is excellent, it’s so easy not to think of yourself and what you need in the norms of day to day life. It’s certainly made me think and discuss with those around me.''

''Thrive has been more like therapy for me with added self-care. I've often thought about going to a Life Coach or Therapist to see if they could help me with focus, decision making, fulfilment etc. I never have as I don't know where to go, who's reputable and I'd probably be put off by the price. For me Thrive has given me lots of opportunities for self-reflection and thought provoking topics as well as being able to offload in a space that feels safe.''


This special opportunity allows you to join Katie and a small group of dedicated members for a transformative experience previously only accessible to THRIVE members.

Secure your spot before Monday 27th at 11pm to save £100 and rest easy this Christmas knowing that your future New Year goals are already in motion. While others grapple with the January Blues and unfulfilled resolutions, you're about to make a solid commitment to meaningful change.

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